Peach Leather

Peach Leather 1

Another great way to use all those peaches!  Peach leather is a delicious and healthy treat at our house.  It’s even more fun when you can make it with your kids at home!  You can try using other types of fruit too!


5 cups  peaches (blanch if the skins don’t come off easily)

2 tbsp. sugar or honey

2 tsp. fresh lemon juice

Puree in blender or food processor until combined.  Pour onto dehydrating trays made for making fruit leather 1/4 – inch thick or line a jelly roll pan with parchment paper and spray with Pam.  In dehydrator, dry at 130 degrees for 8-10 hours or in the oven at the lowest setting (about 170 degrees) for 5-6 hours.  After 3-4 hours and the edges are firm and easy to lift, flip over  and continue drying.  Leather should be done when there aren’t anymore soft spots left, but still flexible.  Tear into large pieces and store in large gallon plastic bag.


Peach Leather 2




Emily Saddler

Emily is married to her best friend Ryan, homeschool mom of 7 awesome kids, Holistic Health Practitioner in the state of Utah and Traditional Naturopath outside of the state of Utah, master gardener, yoga/pilates instructor, certified clinical and master herbalist, licensed massage therapist, and doula. She is a very passionate advocate of all things Mother Nature! Emily maintains a blog called “Sage and Sourdough Wellness and Herbs” where she shares gardening advice, delicious recipes made with fresh, organic ingredients, herbal and natural home care product recipes and loves teaching classes on gardening, plant identification and herbal remedy workshops. Check out the events and classes page for more info.

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